The best time of the year

Autumn is my favorite time of the year, good harvest, bad harvest.  Clear azure skies, brightly colored leaves and bursts of purple and yellow wildflowers are everywhere you look.  There’s good firepit weather, low-wind and briskly cool. Dinners of roast potatoes.  Apple crisp and cider.  The sound of the train whistle in the distance as … Continue reading

Butternut Squash Blossom Omelet

When I get up in the morning, providing its not raining buckets (which it has been in our neck of the woods), one of the first things I do is head out to check the garden.   It’s comforting to hear the morning sounds in the woods, the birds calling out to one another, the … Continue reading

Processing seeds and a Butternut squash and apple bread recipe

I planted an early garden this year which means that by May 12th the tomato plants went in before Memorial Day( which is this weekend).  I had everything in except for all of the butternut squash.  I discovered much to my shock that I had almost no seeds left from last year’s butternut squash seed … Continue reading